对于Android OTA刷机程序的理解1

发布时间:2013-12-22 23:48:38




我之前以为的断点续传,是服务器端的后台程序给客户端发送文件片下载请求,结果不是这样的! 通过HTTP的GET请求方式,在header属性中添加Range属性,就可以让服务器给自己发送某个文件片,如下代码:

httpGet.addHeader("Range", "bytes=0-100“));



       /**         * 获取文件大小 	 * 是否支持断点续传	 */	private void getDownloadFileInfo(HttpClient httpClient) throws IOException, ClientProtocolException, Exception {		Log.e("","getDownloadFileInfo entered ");		HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(mUri);		HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpGet);		int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();		if (statusCode != 200) {			err = ERR_NOT_EXISTS;			Log.e(TAG, "HttpGet Response.statusCode = " + statusCode);			throw new Exception("resource is not exist!");		}		if (mDebug) {			Log.e("","============= HttpGet Reponse Header info =================");			for (Header header : response.getAllHeaders()) {				Log.e(TAG, header.getName() + " : " + header.getValue());			}		}		mContentLength = response.getEntity().getContentLength();		Log.e(TAG, "ContentLength = " + mContentLength);				httpGet.abort();		httpGet = new HttpGet(mUri);		httpGet.addHeader("Range", "bytes=0-" + (mContentLength - 1));		response = httpClient.execute(httpGet);		if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 206) {			mAcceptRanges = true;			Log.e(TAG, "AcceptRanges = true");		} else {			Log.e(TAG, "AcceptRanges = false");		}		httpGet.abort();		Log.e("","getDownloadFileInfo out ");	}
在这个方法中,参数httpClient是单例模式生成的类,全局只有它一个httpClient,至于单例模式有啥好处,这里就不用多说了。这里来补充一下Http Reponse头结点中的属性,一般来说有如下的属性





Last-Modified:Tue,10 Dec 2013 06:59:09 GMT



Date:Tue ,17 Dec 2013 01:06:14 GMT






同理,有多条线程负责下载这个文件。先对整个文件进行分片处理,每一个线程负责下载其中的某一段,计算公式如下 pieceSize = (FileTotalSize / ThreadNum) + 1 ; 可以看出,如果只有一条线程的话,该线程就负责下载整个文件!比如当前有3条线程,需要下载的文件有3000个字节,那么每条线程就负责下载1000个字节。每一条线程的处理机制,就类似于单线程断点下载了。


多线程快,是因为它抢占服务器的资源多! 打个极端的比喻,服务器当前连接有100个,其中客户端A就只有1个连接,客户端B有99个连接,可想而知,服务器对客户端B的响应更快速!


FileInfo.java 用于定于文件片

RegetInfoUtil.java 用于记录下载断点

FileDownloadTash.java 是负责下载的类

MyHttpClient.java 一个单例模式的HttpClient


import java.net.URI;import java.util.ArrayList;import android.util.Log;public class FileInfo {	private static final String TAG = "FileInfo";	private URI mURI;	private long mFileLength;	private long mReceivedLength;	private String mFileName;	private ArrayList mPieceList;		public URI getURI() {		return mURI;	}	synchronized public void setmURI(URI mURI) {		this.mURI = mURI;	}	public long getReceivedLength() {		return mReceivedLength;	}		synchronized public void setReceivedLength(long length) {		mReceivedLength = length;	}		public long getFileLength() {		return mFileLength;	}	synchronized public void setFileLength(long mFileLength) {		this.mFileLength = mFileLength;	}	public int getPieceNum() {		if(mPieceList == null) {			mPieceList = new ArrayList();		}		return mPieceList.size();	}	public String getFileName() {		return mFileName;	}	synchronized public void setFileName(String mFileName) {		this.mFileName = mFileName;	}		synchronized public void addPiece(long start, long end, long posNow){		if(mPieceList == null) {			mPieceList = new ArrayList();		}				Piece p = new Piece(start, end, posNow);		mPieceList.add(p);	}		synchronized public void modifyPieceState(int pieceID, long posNew) {		Piece p = mPieceList.get(pieceID);		if(p != null) {			p.setPosNow(posNew);		}	}		public Piece getPieceById(int pieceID) {		return mPieceList.get(pieceID);	}		public void printDebug() {		Log.d(TAG, "filename = " + mFileName);		Log.d(TAG, "uri = " + mURI);		Log.d(TAG, "PieceNum = " + mPieceList.size());		Log.d(TAG, "FileLength = " + mFileLength);				int id = 0;		for(Piece p : mPieceList) {			Log.d(TAG, "piece " + id + " :start = " + p.getStart() + " end = " + p.getEnd() + " posNow = " + p.getPosNow());			id++;		}	}	public class Piece {		private long start;		private long end;		private long posNow;				public Piece(long s, long e, long n) {			start = s;			end = e;			posNow = n;		}		public long getStart() {			return start;		}		public void setStart(long start) {			this.start = start;		}		public long getEnd() {			return end;		}		public void setEnd(long end) {			this.end = end;		}		public long getPosNow() {			return posNow;		}		public void setPosNow(long posNow) {			this.posNow = posNow;		}			}}


import java.io.File;import java.io.FileInputStream;import java.io.FileOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.net.URI;import java.net.URISyntaxException;import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException;import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlSerializer;import android.util.Log;import android.util.Xml;public class RegetInfoUtil {	private static final String TAG = "RegetInfoUtil";	public static void writeFileInfoXml(File target, FileInfo fileInfo) 			throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException, IOException {				FileOutputStream fout;			if(!target.exists()) {			target.createNewFile();		}		fout = new FileOutputStream(target);		XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = Xml.newSerializer();    		xmlSerializer.setOutput(fout, "UTF-8");    		xmlSerializer.startDocument("UTF-8", true);				xmlSerializer.startTag(null, "FileInfo");		xmlSerializer.attribute(null, "Name", fileInfo.getFileName());		xmlSerializer.attribute(null, "Length", String.valueOf(fileInfo.getFileLength()));		xmlSerializer.attribute(null, "ReceiveLength", String.valueOf(fileInfo.getReceivedLength()));		xmlSerializer.attribute(null, "URI", fileInfo.getURI().toString());						xmlSerializer.startTag(null, "Pieces");		for(int id = 0; id < fileInfo.getPieceNum(); id++) {			Piece p = fileInfo.getPieceById(id);			xmlSerializer.startTag(null, "Piece");			xmlSerializer.attribute(null, "Start", String.valueOf(p.getStart()));			xmlSerializer.attribute(null, "End", String.valueOf(p.getEnd()));			xmlSerializer.attribute(null, "PosNow", String.valueOf(p.getPosNow()));			xmlSerializer.endTag(null, "Piece");		}		xmlSerializer.endTag(null, "Pieces");		xmlSerializer.endTag(null, "FileInfo");		xmlSerializer.endDocument();    		fout.flush();    		fout.close();         Log.i(TAG, fout.toString());    	}		public static FileInfo parseFileInfoXml(File target) 				throws XmlPullParserException, URISyntaxException, IOException {		FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo();		FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(target);		XmlPullParser xmlPullParser = Xml.newPullParser();    		xmlPullParser.setInput(fin, "UTF-8"); 		int eventType = xmlPullParser.getEventType(); 				while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {   			String tag = xmlPullParser.getName();            switch (eventType) {                case XmlPullParser.START_DOCUMENT:                    break;                case XmlPullParser.START_TAG:                   if ("FileInfo".equals(tag)) {                    	fileInfo.setFileName(xmlPullParser.getAttributeValue(0));                 	fileInfo.setFileLength(Integer.valueOf(xmlPullParser.getAttributeValue(1)));                	fileInfo.setReceivedLength(Integer.valueOf(xmlPullParser.getAttributeValue(2)));                	fileInfo.setmURI(new URI(xmlPullParser.getAttributeValue(3)));                }else if("Piece".equals(tag)) {                	fileInfo.addPiece((long)Integer.valueOf(xmlPullParser.getAttributeValue(0)),                 						(long)Integer.valueOf(xmlPullParser.getAttributeValue(1)),                 						(long)Integer.valueOf(xmlPullParser.getAttributeValue(2)));                	Log.d(TAG, "add a Piece");                }                break;                case XmlPullParser.END_TAG:                    break;                }                eventType = xmlPullParser.next();		}				fileInfo.printDebug();		return fileInfo;	}}


public class FileDownloadTask extends Thread {	private String TAG = "FileDownloadTask";	private HttpClient mHttpClient;	private String mPath;	private String mFileName;	private String mTempFileName;	private URI mUri;	private FileInfo mFileInfo;	private boolean mDebug = true;	private long mContentLength;	private volatile long mReceivedCount;	private volatile long mLastReceivedCount;	private boolean mAcceptRanges = false;	private int mPoolThreadNum;	private Handler mProgressHandler;	private ExecutorService mDownloadThreadPool;	private volatile int err = ERR_NOERR;	private boolean requestStop = false;	private static final int BUFF_SIZE = 4096;	public static final int ERR_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 1;	public static final int ERR_NOERR = 0;	public static final int ERR_FILELENGTH_NOMATCH = 2;	public static final int ERR_REQUEST_STOP = 3;	public static final int ERR_NOT_EXISTS = 4;	public static final int ERR_SOCKET_TIMEOUT =  5;	public static final int ERR_CLIENT_PROTOCAL = 6 ;	public static final int ERR_IOEXCEPTION = 7 ;	// message	public static final int PROGRESS_UPDATE = 1;	public static final int PROGRESS_STOP_COMPLETE = 2;	public static final int PROGRESS_START_COMPLETE = 3;	public static final int PROGRESS_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE = 4;	public FileDownloadTask(HttpClient httpClient, URI uri, String path,String fileName, int poolThreadNum) {		mHttpClient = httpClient;		mPath = path;		mUri = uri;		mPoolThreadNum = poolThreadNum;		mReceivedCount = (long) 0;		mLastReceivedCount = (long) 0;		if (fileName == null) {			String uriStr = uri.toString();			mFileName = uriStr.substring(uriStr.lastIndexOf("/") + 1,					uriStr.lastIndexOf("?") > 0 ? uriStr.lastIndexOf("?"): uriStr.length());		} else {			mFileName = fileName;		}		if (mFileName.lastIndexOf(".") > 0) {			mTempFileName = "."					+ mFileName.substring(0, mFileName.lastIndexOf("."))					+ "__tp.xml";		} else {			mTempFileName = "." + mFileName + "__tp.xml";		}		Log.d(TAG, "DestFileName = " + mFileName);		Log.d(TAG, "TempFileName = " + mTempFileName);		Log.d(TAG, "ThreadNum = " + poolThreadNum);	}	public void setProgressHandler(Handler progressHandler) {		mProgressHandler = progressHandler;	}	@Override	public void run() {		startTask();	}	private void startTask() {		err = ERR_NOERR;		requestStop = false;		try {			getDownloadFileInfo(mHttpClient);		} catch (ClientProtocolException e1) {			Log.e(TAG, "ClientProtocolException");			err = ERR_CLIENT_PROTOCAL;			e1.printStackTrace();			onProgressStopComplete(err);			return ;		} catch (ConnectTimeoutException e1) {			err = ERR_CONNECT_TIMEOUT;			Log.e(TAG, "ConnectTimeoutException");			onProgressStopComplete(err);			return ;		} catch (SocketTimeoutException e1) {			err = ERR_SOCKET_TIMEOUT;			Log.e(TAG, "SocketTimeOutException");			onProgressStopComplete(err);			return ;		}catch (Exception e1) {			err = ERR_IOEXCEPTION;			onProgressStopComplete(err);			Log.e(TAG, e1.toString());			return ;	    }		try {			startWorkThread();			monitor();			finish();		} catch (IOException e) {			e.printStackTrace();			Log.e(TAG, "startWorkThread IOException ");			err = ERR_CONNECT_TIMEOUT;			onProgressStopComplete(err);		} catch (Exception e) {			e.printStackTrace();			err = ERR_CONNECT_TIMEOUT;			onProgressStopComplete(err);		}	}	public void stopDownload() {		err = ERR_REQUEST_STOP;		requestStop = true;	}	private void onProgressUpdate() {		long receivedCount = mReceivedCount;		long contentLength = mContentLength;		long receivedPerSecond = (mReceivedCount - mLastReceivedCount);		if (mProgressHandler != null) {			Message m = new Message();			m.what = PROGRESS_UPDATE;			Bundle b = new Bundle();			b.putLong("ContentLength", contentLength);			b.putLong("ReceivedCount", receivedCount);			b.putLong("ReceivedPerSecond", receivedPerSecond);			m.setData(b);			mProgressHandler.sendMessage(m);		}		mLastReceivedCount = mReceivedCount;	}	private void onProgressStopComplete(int errCode) {		if (mProgressHandler != null) {			Message m = new Message();			m.what = PROGRESS_STOP_COMPLETE;			Bundle b = new Bundle();			b.putInt("err", errCode);			m.setData(b);			mProgressHandler.sendMessage(m);		}	}	private void onProgressStartComplete() {		if (mProgressHandler != null) {			Message m = new Message();			m.what = PROGRESS_START_COMPLETE;			mProgressHandler.sendMessage(m);		}	}	private void onProgressDownloadComplete() {		if (mProgressHandler != null) {			Message m = new Message();			m.what = PROGRESS_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE;			mProgressHandler.sendMessage(m);		}	}	private void finish() throws InterruptedException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException, IOException {		if (err == ERR_NOERR) {			String fullTempfilePath = mPath.endsWith("/") ? (mPath + mTempFileName) : (mPath + "/" + mTempFileName);			File f = new File(fullTempfilePath);			if (f.exists()) {				f.delete();				Log.e(TAG, "finish(): delete the temp file!");			}			onProgressDownloadComplete();			Log.e(TAG, "download successfull");			return;		} else if (err == ERR_REQUEST_STOP) {			mDownloadThreadPool.shutdownNow();			while (!mDownloadThreadPool.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {				Log.e(TAG, "monitor: progress ===== " + mReceivedCount + "/" + mContentLength);				onProgressUpdate();			}		} else if (err == ERR_CONNECT_TIMEOUT) {			mDownloadThreadPool.shutdown();			while (!mDownloadThreadPool.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS) && requestStop == false) {				Log.e(TAG, "monitor: progress ===== " + mReceivedCount + "/"+ mContentLength);				onProgressUpdate();			}			mDownloadThreadPool.shutdownNow();			while (!mDownloadThreadPool.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS));		}		String fullTempfilePath = mPath.endsWith("/") ? (mPath + mTempFileName) : (mPath + "/" + mTempFileName);		Log.e(TAG, "tempfilepath = " + fullTempfilePath);		File f = new File(fullTempfilePath);		RegetInfoUtil.writeFileInfoXml(f, mFileInfo);		Log.e(TAG, "download task not complete, save the progress !!!");		onProgressStopComplete(err);	}	private void monitor() {		onProgressStartComplete();		while (mReceivedCount < mContentLength && err == ERR_NOERR) {			Log.e(TAG, "Download Progress == " + mReceivedCount + "/"					+ mContentLength);			try {				Thread.sleep(1000);// 500 秒刷新一次界面				onProgressUpdate();			} catch (InterruptedException e) {				e.printStackTrace();			}		}		if (err == ERR_CONNECT_TIMEOUT) {			Log.e(TAG, "monitor : ERR_CONNECT_TIMEOUT");		}		if (err == ERR_REQUEST_STOP) {			Log.e(TAG, "monitor: ERR_REQUEST_STOP");		}	}	private int startWorkThread() throws Exception {		Log.e("","startWorkThread entered ");		// 找到下载文件和临时文件的完整路径。		String fullPath = mPath.endsWith("/") ? (mPath + mFileName) : (mPath				+ "/" + mFileName);		String fullTempfilePath = mPath.endsWith("/") ? (mPath + mTempFileName)				: (mPath + "/" + mTempFileName);		Log.d(TAG, "FilePath = " + fullPath);		Log.d(TAG, "TempFilePath = " + fullTempfilePath);		File targetFile = new File(fullPath);		if (!targetFile.exists()) {			targetFile.createNewFile();		} else {			File tmpFile = new File(fullTempfilePath);			if (tmpFile.exists()) {				mFileInfo = RegetInfoUtil.parseFileInfoXml(tmpFile);				Log.e(TAG, "Try to continue download!");			} else {				targetFile.delete();				targetFile.createNewFile();				Log.e(TAG, "Delete and rewrite it!!!");			}		}		if (mFileInfo == null) {			mFileInfo = new FileInfo();			mFileInfo.setFileLength(mContentLength);			mFileInfo.setmURI(mUri);			mFileInfo.setFileName(mFileName);			mFileInfo.setReceivedLength(0);		}		if (mFileInfo.getFileLength() != mContentLength				&& mFileInfo.getURI().equals(mUri)) {			err = ERR_FILELENGTH_NOMATCH;			Log.e(TAG,"FileLength or uri not the same, you can't continue download!");			throw new Exception("ERR_FILELENGTH_NOMATCH!");		}		DownloadListener listener = new DownloadListener() {			public void onPerBlockDown(int count, int pieceId, long posNew) {				synchronized (this) {					mReceivedCount += count;				}				mFileInfo.modifyPieceState(pieceId, posNew);				mFileInfo.setReceivedLength(mReceivedCount);			}			public void onPieceComplete() {				Log.e(TAG, "one piece complete");			}			public void onErrorOccurre(int pieceId, long posNow) {				Log.e(TAG, "ErrorOccurre pieceId = " + pieceId + "   posNow = " + posNow);				mFileInfo.modifyPieceState(pieceId, posNow);			}		};		if (mAcceptRanges) {			Log.e(TAG, "Support Ranges");			if (mDownloadThreadPool == null) {				mDownloadThreadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(mPoolThreadNum);			}			if (mFileInfo.getPieceNum() == 0) {				long pieceSize = (mContentLength / mPoolThreadNum) + 1;				long start = 0, end = pieceSize - 1;				int pieceId = 0;				do {// 分片操作					if (end > mContentLength - 1) {						end = mContentLength - 1;					}					Log.e(TAG, "Piece" + pieceId + " == " + start + "-----" + end);					DownloadFilePieceRunnable task = new DownloadFilePieceRunnable(targetFile, pieceId, start, end, start, true);					mFileInfo.addPiece(start, end, start);					task.setDownloadListener(listener);					mDownloadThreadPool.execute(task);					start += pieceSize;					end = start + pieceSize - 1;					pieceId++;				} while (start < mContentLength);			} else {				Log.e(TAG, "try to continue download ====>");				mReceivedCount = mFileInfo.getReceivedLength();				for (int index = 0; index < mFileInfo.getPieceNum(); index++) {					Piece p = mFileInfo.getPieceById(index);					DownloadFilePieceRunnable task = new DownloadFilePieceRunnable(							targetFile, index, p.getStart(), p.getEnd(),							p.getPosNow(), true);					task.setDownloadListener(listener);					mDownloadThreadPool.execute(task);				}			}		} else {			Log.e(TAG, "Can't Ranges!");			if (mDownloadThreadPool == null) {				mDownloadThreadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);			}			if (mFileInfo.getPieceNum() == 0) {				DownloadFilePieceRunnable task = new DownloadFilePieceRunnable(						targetFile, 0, 0, mContentLength - 1, 0, false);				mFileInfo.addPiece(0, mContentLength - 1, 0);				task.setDownloadListener(listener);				mDownloadThreadPool.execute(task);			} else {				Log.e(TAG, "try to continue download ====>");				mReceivedCount = (long) 0;				Piece p = mFileInfo.getPieceById(0);				p.setPosNow(0);				DownloadFilePieceRunnable task = new DownloadFilePieceRunnable(						targetFile, 0, 0, mContentLength - 1, p.getPosNow(),						false);				task.setDownloadListener(listener);				mDownloadThreadPool.execute(task);			}		}		Log.e("","startWorkThread out ");		return 0;	}	/**	 * 获取文件大小 	 * 是否支持断点续传	 */	private void getDownloadFileInfo(HttpClient httpClient) throws IOException, ClientProtocolException, Exception {		Log.e("","getDownloadFileInfo entered ");		HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(mUri);		HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpGet);		int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();		if (statusCode != 200) {			err = ERR_NOT_EXISTS;			Log.e(TAG, "HttpGet Response.statusCode = " + statusCode);			throw new Exception("resource is not exist!");		}		if (mDebug) {			Log.e("","============= HttpGet Reponse Header info =================");			for (Header header : response.getAllHeaders()) {				Log.e(TAG, header.getName() + " : " + header.getValue());			}		}		mContentLength = response.getEntity().getContentLength();		Log.e(TAG, "ContentLength = " + mContentLength);				httpGet.abort();		httpGet = new HttpGet(mUri);		httpGet.addHeader("Range", "bytes=0-" + (mContentLength - 1));		response = httpClient.execute(httpGet);		if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 206) {			mAcceptRanges = true;			Log.e(TAG, "AcceptRanges = true");		} else {			Log.e(TAG, "AcceptRanges = false");		}		httpGet.abort();		Log.e("","getDownloadFileInfo out ");	}	private interface DownloadListener {		public void onPerBlockDown(int count, int pieceId, long posNew);		public void onPieceComplete();		public void onErrorOccurre(int pieceId, long posNew);	}	private class DownloadFilePieceRunnable implements Runnable {		private File mFile;		private long mStartPosition;		private long mEndPosition;		private long mPosNow;		private boolean mIsRange;		private DownloadListener mListener;		private int mPieceId;		public DownloadFilePieceRunnable(File file, int pieceId,				long startPosition, long endPosition, long posNow,				boolean isRange) {			mFile = file;			mStartPosition = startPosition;			mEndPosition = endPosition;			mIsRange = isRange;			mPieceId = pieceId;			mPosNow = posNow;		}		public void setDownloadListener(DownloadListener listener) {			mListener = listener;		}		public void run() {			if (mDebug) {				Log.e(TAG, "Range: " + mStartPosition + "-" + mEndPosition						+ "  现在的位置:" + mPosNow);			}			try {				HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(mUri);				if (mIsRange) {					httpGet.addHeader("Range", "bytes=" + mPosNow + "-"							+ mEndPosition);				}				HttpResponse response = mHttpClient.execute(httpGet);				int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();				if (mDebug) {					for (Header header : response.getAllHeaders()) {						Log.e(TAG, header.getName() + ":" + header.getValue());					}					Log.e(TAG, "statusCode:" + statusCode);				}				if (statusCode == 206 || (statusCode == 200 && !mIsRange)) {					InputStream inputStream = response.getEntity().getContent();					@SuppressWarnings("resource")					RandomAccessFile outputStream = new RandomAccessFile(mFile,							"rw");					outputStream.seek(mPosNow);					int count = 0;					byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFF_SIZE]; // 4K 一片					while ((count = inputStream.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length)) > 0) {						if (Thread.interrupted()) {							Log.e("WorkThread", "interrupted ====>>");							httpGet.abort();							return;						}						outputStream.write(buffer, 0, count);						mPosNow += count;						afterPerBlockDown(count, mPieceId, mPosNow);					}					outputStream.close();					httpGet.abort();				} else {					httpGet.abort();					throw new Exception();				}			} catch (IOException e) {				ErrorOccurre(mPieceId, mPosNow);				err = ERR_CONNECT_TIMEOUT;				return;			} catch (Exception e) {				e.printStackTrace();				ErrorOccurre(mPieceId, mPosNow);				err = ERR_CONNECT_TIMEOUT;				return;			}			onePieceComplete();			if (mDebug) {				Log.e(TAG, "End:" + mStartPosition + "-" + mEndPosition);			}		}		private void afterPerBlockDown(int count, int pieceId, long posNew) {			if (mListener != null) {				mListener.onPerBlockDown(count, pieceId, posNew);			}		}		private void onePieceComplete() {			if (mListener != null) {				mListener.onPieceComplete();			}		}		private void ErrorOccurre(int pieceId, long posNew) {			if (mListener != null) {				mListener.onErrorOccurre(pieceId, posNew);			}		}	}}


import org.apache.http.HttpVersion;import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;import org.apache.http.conn.params.ConnManagerParams;import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;import org.apache.http.params.BasicHttpParams;import org.apache.http.params.HttpConnectionParams;import org.apache.http.params.HttpParams;import org.apache.http.params.HttpProtocolParams;import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP;public class MyHttpClient {	private static final String CHARSET = HTTP.UTF_8;    private static HttpClient customerHttpClient;     private MyHttpClient() {    }     public static synchronized HttpClient getHttpClient() {    	if (null == customerHttpClient) {    		HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();			HttpProtocolParams.setVersion(params, HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1);			HttpProtocolParams.setContentCharset(params, CHARSET) ;			HttpProtocolParams.setUseExpectContinue(params, true);			HttpProtocolParams.setUserAgent(params, "Mozilla/5.0(Linux;U;Android 2.2.1;en-us;Nexus One Build.FRG83) "+"AppleWebKit/553.1(KHTML,like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1");			ConnManagerParams.setTimeout(params, 1000);			HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(params, 10 * 1000);			HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(params, 4000);			customerHttpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(params);        }        return customerHttpClient;    }        public static synchronized void closeHttpClient() {    	if(customerHttpClient != null) {    		customerHttpClient.getConnectionManager().shutdown();    		customerHttpClient = null;    	}    }}


FileDownloadTask mTask = null ;String uriStr = "htttp://";URI mUri = null;try {	mUri = new URI(uriStr);} catch (URISyntaxException e) {		e.printStackTrace();}String mDownloadDir = "/mnt/sdcard";String mDownloadFileName = "update.zip";mTask = new FileDownloadTask(MyHttpClient.getHttpClient(), mUri,mDownloadDir, mDownloadFileName, 1);// 当前表示只有1个线程负责下载mTask.setProgressHandler(mProgressHandler);// 设置Handler,用于结束下载过程中发送给主调程序的消息mTask.start();



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